Tuesday, September 23, 2014

22 days!

So, I've gone 22 days without smoking! Amazed, I am. 

Now, I've heard the saying, "It only takes 21 days to form a habit," from multiple people, since I have started down this path I've chosen. 
Does that mean it also only takes 21 days to break a habit? Not likely, eh?

So, about habits. I haven't picked up any new habits, which is a blessing, and could be  potentially dangerous. At 1 and a half weeks of being a quitter, I lost 5lbs. I was stoked! 
You all know the rumors, right? "When you quit smoking, you are going to gain weight!" 
Not me, I thought. 

Hello, extra weight! F-u 3 ways from Sunday! 

Not only did I gain my 5 lbs back, but I added 10 lbs to that, as of Saturday night (or Thursday night, I can't remember). All I wanted to do was cry. Now, I started out, excited to be able to do a work out, without losing my breath. 
I haven't really formed a habit, out of working out. Smart cookie, I am. 

Ugh! I am so happy that I'm not smoking, but so so so not happy that I'm gaining weight. 

November 2012, I decided to be a vegetarian. I did it. I quit meat, cold turkey. (Pun, much?)

Now, I would LOVE to go back to eating as healthily as I was while I wasn't eating meat. Sad news, TABBIE LOVES BREAD!! And cheese. God I love cheese! If I could learn to be a healthy vegan, I would try, but, I need to keep my cheese. At least, I think I do. I'm pretty sure, if I went a week without cheese, you'd catch me, binge eating cheese, by the end of that week.

I know, I sound like I'm rambling, but there is a point. Really, I promise. 

So. Back to forming habits. Replacing bad habits with good ones. 

I'm no longer smoking, so let us replace that habit. Maybe, every time I would typically smoke, I'll do stretches. You know, yoga style. (I downloaded a new yoga videos app.) 

And... Here's the kicker, my friends. 

Maybe every time I want to eat crap food, I will do 3 burpees. That should help, right? Maybe that's what I need to do. (If you have no clue what a burpee is, I suggest looking it up, so you can feel my pain)

 I could set an alarm to go off, every hour, on the hour, reminding me to do my stretches. Or maybe I could set the alarms at every 90 minutes, and just do the stretches, AND the burpees. 

Who knows, maybe by this time, next month, I'll be vegan? My husband will be so annoyed with me, but, he will support me 100%. 

I will let y'all know what I choose to do, tomorrow. ;)

Until then, good morning, good afternoon, and good night. 

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