Sunday, September 21, 2014

19 days. I'm getting excited!

I made it 19 days! 

I am starting to have more phlegm. I know, disgusting! I feel like I am always clearing my throat. I'll be j happy when that is done. Yuck. 
I had a weird dream, but can't remember what it was. Do you ever have those nights, where you wake up from a dream and know it was scary, weird, or fantastic, but can't remember a single detail? That's what this one was. 

I am kind of starting to like my hair, but, I am more excited to fix it. I figure it's one last hoorah before I'm "too old" to add crazy colors and have a crazy style. 

Maybe I'll grow up when...

I can't even finish that  statement. =P

I'll be the 90 year old woman with some crazy hair cut, colored a glossy fire engine red. Or purple. Who knows?! 

And I say 90, because, hey, I might live that long, since I'm not smoking anymore! 

I still haven't called my grandmother, and told her I quit, yet. I'm sure her sister may have told her, but, I don't know, because I haven't talked to her. 

I think I'll call her today. She is always telling me I need to quit, because cancer runs in our family. It seems like everyone in our family dies from cancer. No young ones, that I know of. My great grandma had cancer, some of her sons have had cancer. One of my grandmother's brothers is living with it, now. It's pretty scary, when you think about all the people, who share your genetic background, who have fought and won, or fought and lost the battle with cancer. 

Yes, I know. Everything causes cancer these days. Heck, the meat we eat. The genetically modified fruits and vegetables, and other foods we eat, shampoo bottles, toothpaste, and lotions.  It all causes cancer. 

I tried to go organic. My husband wanted to go along with it, and we tried. But guess what? I was spending over $100 a month on cigarettes! Who can afford that? Why do it, if I'm going to smoke cigarettes that contain hundreds of toxins, basically defeating the whole purpose of eating clean? 

So, that's my next hurdle. Once I'm done with the patches (which should be November 3rd, if all goes according to plan), we are going to gradually remove all nonorganic foods from our kitchen. (I hope)

Here's to 20 days, smoke free! 

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