Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 3, And Still Smoke Free!

I'm really doing it!! It's working! It's happening! No smokes since September 1st, at 1-2pm.  Still only thoughts like, "this is when I should be smoking." Like after I eat, or when I'm driving. No giving in. No backing down.

Mitch bought me a giant box of sunflower seeds, in individual, small bags. It gives me something to do, instead of hand to mouth for smoking, it's hand tossing sunflower seeds into my mouth. Yummy!

Now, on to the fun stuff. In the packet, for Nicoderm CQ, it says your dreams may become vivid, or weird, and to discontinue use, during sleep time, if they get out of control.

Well, it hasn't been HORRIBLE, for me, so, I've kept each patch on, the full 24 hours.

Last night, I must have been having a hilarious dream, because my husband woke me up, asking if I was okay. (I talk in my sleep, pretty regularly, so laughing doesn't surprise me.) I said I was, and asked why. He told me I was laughing. Like cracking up, type laughing.

I went back to sleep, and proceeded to dream that I worked at a hospital (which I do, so not too weird...). Then the nurses and doctors start showing up. There are men and women, in both groups. (I work in labor and delivery, and all of our nurses are women. There are, both forms of doctors)

My husband worked there, as well.

We were planning a bbq. All the people knew me, and Mitch, and were asking about it.

I worked with plastic surgeons. O_O

For anyone who may not get this, plastics is about as far from labor and delivery as you can get, in my position. Lol!

Okay. The dream then moved on. Megan was about 14 or 15. We lived south of here. Location unknown.

She ran a daycare out of our basement, (think Babysitter's club), only the kids were all dressed like frilly dolls. She would do their hair, and do their makeup, and keep them entertained until their parents got there to pick them up.

When the parents arrived, that's when things got weird.

All of the children would line up in the garage, like they were on display, and Megan would "sell" the child back to their parents. Really, she was just getting paid for baby sitting, but it was like a creepy game, that the kids enjoyed so Megan and each parent played along, maybe??

Then I woke up, 30 minutes before my alarm went off.

Here's to day four!!

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